Saturday, February 28, 2009

Day of Organizing

Today feels like an organizing and cleaning day. It feels like from the moment I woke up that I would be productive and actually get things done. We'll see how that goes but more than ANYTHING I need to organize the craft room. I suppose I could post before/after pics so I'll get the kick in the pants I need.

So - you heard it hear first. Next post from me, Tiffanie, will be about the before/after process of organizing the craft room.

Wish me luck.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Slow week..

It has been a slow week for Watermelon Days, while still waiting for the sewing machine. Tiff just found another site for raw materials, which I think will fit in quite nicely for our collection.

There is still lots to do, and I pray that Tiff and I can gather our stuff together and crank out some goods really soon.

I had been looking online at some things this morning, and thought eventually I would like to make bags for mommies. Cool, fashionable ones. Check out this example:

I am thinking of all kinds of fun stuff to do, so I'm hoping we will have the time to do it all!!!!

That's it for now....when is that sewing machine in???

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Fun with Sis

Yesterday Tawn and I went to take my sewing machine in for service. Sounds like a simple check on our to-do list, right? WRONG. Everything that sis and I do is an adventure. Seriously. Let me break it down for you. I had planned my whole day the night before because I KNOW that I have to get organized for this side business while staying on top of school work and home duties. Below is how our day went; planned and actual. Remember that all we had to do was take the sewing machine in for repair.

planned items are italicized.

7a: wake up. make coffee. fold laundry. watch dvr shows. relax for hour.
woke up. fell back asleep.

8a: clean kitchen. start one load of laundry. make breakfast.
made coffee. watched tv.

9a: clean kitchen after making breakfast. put load of laundry in dryer. take donation clothes downstairs. bring sewing machine downstairs. gather dry cleaning.
still watching tv and drinking coffee.

10a: start cleaning rest of house.
receive phone call from sis saying she is on her way. remember that sis was supposed to come over at 1030. still not dressed. have approximately 10 minutes to get dressed and gather sewing machine.

1015: my original plans are OUT the window at this point as I've given up my scheduled day.
get dressed. look in mirror and realize I need to flat iron my hair a little bit so I don't look like a hobo in public.

1030: sis arrives and I'm finishing up getting dressed. Walk downstairs and forget to bring sewing maching with me. Notice that sis has the fabric that we ordered online. She starts photographing it with her CAMERA PHONE. this is an abomination since I have a really nice camera. I proceed to take pictures of the fabric. Still haven't gotten the sewing maching from upstairs.

1045: remember that I still have fabric that we bought last week in trunk of car. Bring it inside while I remember; bring it upstairs to craft room. Bring sewing machine down. Realize that it might be a good idea to take pics of ALL fabric so we have something to look at while at Joann's so we can buy thread while we are at it. Go upstairs AGAIN to bring down fabric to take pics.

1100: take pics of remaining fabric then proceed to take pics of Tawn's necklace. Battery on camera starts to die. Put battery on charger and make plans to leave. Realize that we need camera to see pics of fabric that I JUST took so we can purchase thread in case we need it. Proceed to wait for battery to charge a little.

1110: Bring all fabrics back upstairs to craft room so cats don't lay all over and chew new fabric and ribbons. Check battery and realize 10mins is sufficient just to look at pics. Think that maybe I could take some action shots at Joann's for blog.

1115: finally leave for Joann's. We were supposed to be gone at 1030 not 1130. Sis reminds me that she needs to be back by 1230. Argue over what car to take.

1130: get to Joann's. Walk in door and I realize that I left the sewing machine in car. I go back to get it while sis sighs - cause this is normal.

1135: Drop off sewing machine and chat with lady in sewing area. We heart her and she's talked us into taking beginning sewing classes. Did I mention that neither of us have sewed much in our life? OH and the thread I brought in with sewing machine was snubbed for being cheap and liable to break just by looking at it. Sewing lady recommends thread and we pick out two general colors - using my camera to reference fabric. HA!!! It was worth it to bring with us.

1145: wander the store looking for ideas and after wandering for 15mins realize that we should probably just buy the thread and get other stuff when we pick up sewing machine. Look at LONG A** line and return thread saying its not worth waiting in a 15min line when we have to come back ANYWAY.

1200: back at my house with time to spare. Proceed to make lunch plans and invite myself and boyfriend to lunch with Tawn's family. While boyfriend gets ready I take this time to do a smidge of actual housework. proceed to vaccuum while sis plays with Gus.

That's our adventure to just take sewing machine in. I can't wait to see what we'll do when we actually start making stuff.

I always have fun with my sister, even when we are doing the MOST mundane things. Nothing is ever normal or simple with us.

Friday, February 20, 2009

Weekend Plans?

Yeah, that's a question mark at the end of plans.
Lil' Sis here (tawn), reporting on our fun weekend. Which, I happen to think is pretty funny.

Tiff and I received the fabric in for some of the bibs and burp cloths, So as you can imagine I was pretty fired up.. I can't wait to make these!!!
Last weekend, yes LAST weekend, Tiff revealed to me that we needed to get the sewing machine fixed. Ok, no problem I thought. You are off tomorrow, get that dropped off.. have some stuff done by this weekend...piece of cake.
Right? Wrong. I asked Tiff today when she was picking up the sewing machine, and was quickly responded by a "oh."
Lol grrreaattt.
Phone rings. Surprise! I have a back appointment that i TOTALLY forgot about, not to mention a bridal shower, In which I have NO idea what time it starts.
I become frantic.. ok... think. think .think.
If I cut the fabric and get them ready for sewing, that should help get a jump start right?
Ahhh, who am I kidding, this is gonna be crazy.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009


So this is the new home for our new etsy shop endeavour!
Tiffanie and I (Tawn) will both be writing from this blog to track all of our latest and greatest with the Etsy shop... what the angle?
Well, Tiff and I have been looking for something fun we can do together for quite some time now, and though we are both busy bees, I have to admit this sounded really fun. There were many things to put in to place, but I think we are off to a pretty good start!
Watermelon Days was a name I came up with after Tiff and I had finally decided to do this thing..There is an infamous picture of my sis and I floating about the house somewhere, one of few that actually hasn't gotten damaged or lost in the many moves we experienced growing up. This picture captured the happiness of our childhood together- it consists of Tiff & I, on lawn chairs, soaking up some sun, eating watermelon..yah, watermelon days...those were the days!
Anyway, it inspired the look and feel of our shop, so you will be seeing a lot of fun, bright, no so ordinary designs at the shop.
Our two styles compliment each other well, and should produce some really exciting collections, so we look forward to sharing them with you.
We have received material this weekend, and will begin production on Saturday, hoping to have some designs up by the end of the week.
I will let you all know when we add stuff to the shop so you can check it out, and purchase if you like.
Also, you can follow our blog to get the latest on our give-away! See you soon- Tawn