Wednesday, February 18, 2009


So this is the new home for our new etsy shop endeavour!
Tiffanie and I (Tawn) will both be writing from this blog to track all of our latest and greatest with the Etsy shop... what the angle?
Well, Tiff and I have been looking for something fun we can do together for quite some time now, and though we are both busy bees, I have to admit this sounded really fun. There were many things to put in to place, but I think we are off to a pretty good start!
Watermelon Days was a name I came up with after Tiff and I had finally decided to do this thing..There is an infamous picture of my sis and I floating about the house somewhere, one of few that actually hasn't gotten damaged or lost in the many moves we experienced growing up. This picture captured the happiness of our childhood together- it consists of Tiff & I, on lawn chairs, soaking up some sun, eating watermelon..yah, watermelon days...those were the days!
Anyway, it inspired the look and feel of our shop, so you will be seeing a lot of fun, bright, no so ordinary designs at the shop.
Our two styles compliment each other well, and should produce some really exciting collections, so we look forward to sharing them with you.
We have received material this weekend, and will begin production on Saturday, hoping to have some designs up by the end of the week.
I will let you all know when we add stuff to the shop so you can check it out, and purchase if you like.
Also, you can follow our blog to get the latest on our give-away! See you soon- Tawn

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