Friday, February 20, 2009

Weekend Plans?

Yeah, that's a question mark at the end of plans.
Lil' Sis here (tawn), reporting on our fun weekend. Which, I happen to think is pretty funny.

Tiff and I received the fabric in for some of the bibs and burp cloths, So as you can imagine I was pretty fired up.. I can't wait to make these!!!
Last weekend, yes LAST weekend, Tiff revealed to me that we needed to get the sewing machine fixed. Ok, no problem I thought. You are off tomorrow, get that dropped off.. have some stuff done by this weekend...piece of cake.
Right? Wrong. I asked Tiff today when she was picking up the sewing machine, and was quickly responded by a "oh."
Lol grrreaattt.
Phone rings. Surprise! I have a back appointment that i TOTALLY forgot about, not to mention a bridal shower, In which I have NO idea what time it starts.
I become frantic.. ok... think. think .think.
If I cut the fabric and get them ready for sewing, that should help get a jump start right?
Ahhh, who am I kidding, this is gonna be crazy.

1 comment:

  1. Welcomes to Vietnam - excellent investment destination in Asia
